Notes From The Field

  • Our Journey

    Our Journey

    Our Beginnings

    Anita and I have been inspecting RVs since March of 2018.  We bought our RV when we began anticipating retirement and wanted to travel and see the country from the ground rather than a plane window.  It’s a big, beautiful country out there that’s so much more than a three-hour plane ride can express.

  • A Note About Fluid Analysis. Is it Worth it? Maybe…Maybe Not…

    A Note About Fluid Analysis. Is it Worth it? Maybe…Maybe Not…

    Instead, I want to let you know the mechanics and drawbacks.  

  • Getting The Most from Your RV Inspection

    Getting The Most from Your RV Inspection

    Anita and I work as a team to provide an RV inspection that will give you the most information we are able to gather for you to make an informed purchasing decision.  There are many variables to consider when doing an inspection as well as things for you to consider when hiring us to do the inspection.  Knowledge is power and we believe in giving our clients as much knowledge as possible. 

  • Leveling Up!

    Leveling Up!

    Late in 2020 the NRVIA, the national organization that I am certified through for RV Inspections, notified me that they were changing the certification process nation wide for RV Inspectors.  They decided to do away with Level 1 certifications and have only one certification that they would call “Certified RV Inspector”. Since their inception they have had two levels inspectors: Level 1 inspectors to provide “basic” inspections and Level 2 inspectors to provide more detailed inspections.  Now all Level 1 inspectors who wished to continue being certified would need to complete the Level 2 certification.

  • RV Inspections During this time of Quarantine

    RV Inspections During this time of Quarantine

    We have received several calls for RV Inspections during this challenging time. 

    The Bad News

    Many travel locations are closed and many others are severely limited. It is very important that everyone follow common sense precautions to remain health and safe during this time.  We ourselves had to cancel our trip of a lifetime to visit several National Parks this summer.

    The Good News

  • Rv-ing Under Quarantine

    Rv-ing Under Quarantine

    This is a challenging time for RVers.  We would all rather be hitting the road, sitting around the camp fire, meeting fellow RVers, or just seeing where the open road takes us.  In this time of social distancing and staying safe at home, how do we do that?

    We can’t.

    But we CAN do quite a bit to continue our RV passion.

  • Inspection Season in Review

    Inspection Season in Review

    This year we have had the opportunity to inspect all manner of RVs: Class As, Class Bs, Class Cs, Fifth Wheels, Travel Trailers and Park Models. We have enjoyed the  opportunity of working with first time buyers and seasoned owners.

    Here is what we have learned.

  • Spring is Coming!

    Spring is Coming!

    Spring is almost here and we will be ready to hit the road. Thoughts of traveling the country and perhaps buying that RV you’ve always wanted are on your mind. Don’t make any hasty purchasing decisions, and don’t buy something that will make you spend the travel season fixing it up, rather than hitting the road.

  • Our Story

    Our Story


    After recently “retiring” from the corporate world, yet not quite ready for the rocking chair, we decided to purchase an RV and see the country.  We had always been too busy working.
